Friday, October 2, 2009

it starts.

I don't know why I'm doing this, to be honest. Maybe because I've been feeling lonely and I can pretend there are people out there who care. Or maybe because I've got too many thoughts in my head and need some way to get them out. Maybe I can't wait to hear other points of view and collaborate with people more intelligent. Or maybe, and most probably, I'm just one of a million Americans, hoping and believing we all deserve our 15 minutes in the lime light... at least on-line.

"In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes." --Andy Warhol

I'm almost 20, in my second year of college towards a psychology major. When I graduate, and if all goes well, I intend to join the Peace Corps and take advantage of their master's program, simultaneously. From there, if the Corps is my true calling, I'd be prepared to give up my life of American leisure and become dedicated to taking those baby steps to making the world better. If I decide the Corps just didn't work out, I'll come home for that doctorate and open up a practice somewhere. Magic 8 Ball: Either way, outlook not so good. But we can all use a little hope, right?

"If your energy is as boundless as your ambitions, total commitment may be a way of life you should seriously consider." --Joyce Brothers

Although life has a tendency to shit-storm all over me, I try to stay positive. I guess I'm a natural-born-optimist, but the more I see, the more cynical I become. Maybe it's just my naivete slowly dissolving and I'm not ready to come to terms with that. Or maybe I'm just a really unlucky kid who tends to get lemons and water, but no sugar. Either way, the world looks more depressing every day.

"The more I see, the less I know, the more I'd like to let it go." --Red Hot Chili Peppers (Snow (Hey Oh))

I'm living with my boyfriend, Stephen, and our relationship has been a ray of sunshine in my life. He's a truly amazing person and things have been going quite well. I must admit, though, love is a crazy little thing.

"Our time is short, this is our fate: I'm yours." --Jason Mraz (I'm Yours)

I know there are no readers, and I doubt there ever will be, but if I imagine some up, I imagine they must be rather bored by now. Besides, I have tests to take and classes to study for.

si vis pacem, parra bellum : if you want peace, prepare for war.

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