Monday, November 2, 2009

let's get physical.

I love panties. I really do. Some girls love their shoes, others love their handbags... I love my panty collection. I have a few sexy ones but the ones that make me happiest are all of the bright, colorful ones in every possible style, cut and pattern. Every morning, it's my ritual to go through the drawer and see which pair calls out to me that day and I let that be the first smile of the day. (I know, I'm kind of goofy, but this works for me.) If today it's the lacey thong, I put on my favorite dress and tights and take the extra time to look sexy today. If it's the pair of light blue and pink plaid boyshorts, today is a day for sneakers, shorts and a cute top. You get the picture. There's nothing inertly sexual about my underwear obsession, I just like them.

I typically shop at Aerie by American Eagle or PINK by Victoria's Secret. Their collections are right up my alley, but lately I've been looking to add more brands to my panty family. So I did what any curious person would do... I googled "cute panties". I expected to see some cute little mini-businesses pop up with people making and selling panties as a hobby for some extra cash. I was ready to browse through forum answers full of different places like-minded people buy their fun undergarments from. Obviously, these expectations were innocent... and consequently, foolish. The first result site that popped up was for what appeared to be girls my age selling underwear that they make - bingo! I get to the site though, and realize that these ladies are in fact selling photos of themselves in the underwear. I hit back and skimmed the next few result and was disgusted that they were all for porn.

See, this is what gets me. I love panties... in a totally normal, unperverted way. I want to find other people that share this love and find out where they buy theirs... spread the love, you know. But this world, especially this country, is so obsessed with sex that it becomes revolting. Everything on TV is meant to have sexual innuendos. Movies are full of it. Half the ads out there are sexual in nature, as are the majority of the songs on the radio. And sexuality isn't what I have a problem with. I have a problem with the fact that if I choose to live my life not numbly feeding my sex drive, I should be allowed to do so without being bombarded by it.

Let's get personal here; I enjoy sex. When my boyfriend and I have sex, I let that be a time when I can really just sit back for a second and relax and feel better. Although it's unbelievable when it happens, sex for me was never about the Big O. Sex should just be about feeling good and sharing that amazing feeling with someone you care about. The end. Sex shouldn't be so casual, so out-in-the-open; sex needs to be viewed with respect, something that two mature people participate in when their feelings are in the right places, not just because they wanna hump until they get off.

I've only had sex with two guys and I know that for most people, that means I don't get how complicated sex and sexuality are. Maybe I don't. But I do know that the way we, as a society and culture, view sex is backwards and twisted to perversion. Cut the crap - there's more to life than fucking, no matter how much you may like it.

So I have to ask and be prepared for disappointment: is there any hope? If I wanted to raise my kids in this world, is there any chance that I can teach them a healthy view of sex and sexual relationships or is the rest of the world gonna undermine what I have to say and brainwash them anyways? Am I the only one who thinks sex itself is awesome but the way everyone acts about it is flawed? Or perhaps, if any of you wanna tackle this one, am I the one who views sex in the wrong light and need to not take it as so wholesome?


  1. I can tell you that sex should not be put into the media... they make sex look like something that everyone just does with just ut anyone they meet.. I myself think it is sickening.. I have only had sex with one person my whole life.. that was my husband... not to mention he too was a virgin when we got married.. and it was amazing.. I waited to have sex till I got married... I was the only person in my family who did that... so I felt special for waiting.. and then to see shows on television where women throw themselves at men and have sex casually with many different partners frightens me... I was not raised closed up from the world.. i had lots of friends who had casual sex.. i have seen it on tv.. in movies.. and on the internet..... I'm afraid to have kids because I wonder if they will actually listen to me.. I think sex should not be shown on television the way it is.. Where are the wholesome television shows that used to be on .. its all gone.. and im scared to bring a child into the world knowing that they are going to be bombraded by sex everywhere they go..

  2. i'm the same way. i waited until i graduated from HS to have sex the first time and most of my friends gave me so much shit for that. when people hear that i've only been with 2 people they seem genuinely in awe that there are people who don't have sex as the foreground of every day.
    it's a really shaky, scary world out there these days... it gives future mommy's a really desolate outlook.

  3. I agree with you! The porn industry has ruined our innocence, you can no longer search for anything related to sex without getting some disgusting porn, and I mean sometimes you're not even remotely referring to sex. Sex is something sacred between a man and woman, and not something to be used to sell products etc. It brings them together, allows them to connect not just physically but emotionally. This is not something to be given away to any Tom, Dick or Harry. My husband & I married as virgins, and for me this was a choice I took very seriously. I was not going to give my virginity away to any guy, it had to be a man I sincerely loved and had to be my husband. My morals are something I pride myself on, and want to pass this on to my children. I just hope that I can shield them from the depravity of the world. Children, after all, should be allowed to be children.

    Beautiful Dreamer

  4. Congrats! You've won an award! Check it out on my blog:

    Beautiful Dreamer

  5. Hey, by the way, I have found something that might interest you. Google allows you to filter the search content. Just watch this clip and learn how to do it. I've activated it on our computers because we are sick of the crap that comes up when we search.

    Hope this helps!
    Beautiful Dreamer
